Qixi Festival | Not only Qixi, but also Tanabata

前海国信    DATE:2023-08-23    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    The steps seem steeped in water when cold grows the night. she lies to watch two stars in love meet in the sky. The Qixi Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. Because of the beautiful legend of the meeting of the cowherd and the weaver girl on the magpie bridge, this festival has been filled with many emotions. In order to promote the national culture and create a harmonious and happy atmosphere, on August 22, Guoxin Technology Group held a variety of "Qixi Festival" activities in various workplaces.

NanChang Workplace

    The activity scene of Nanchang workplace was elaborately arranged, especially the Qixi riddle guessing, pot throwing tricks and one arrow falling in love games. Everyone actively participated, friendly interaction, sincere communication, and completed one challenge after another in laughter and laughter.

ShenZhen Workplace

    The theme activity of "Qixi riddle guessing" was held in the workplace of Shenzhen. Everyone at the activity site used their brains to show their talents, rushed to guess riddles enthusiastically, and exchanged the corresponding prizes with the riddle number.

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